Sunday, September 27, 2009


A flower….. It can either blossom or never grow to the potential that it has. Is that not what how the world works? You water the plant, love the plant, and some swear that you should talk to the plant. What happens if the world loved, talked and nurtured, not watered, their children? Would our society be any different? Would we have less crime/violence?

If given the right circumstances children can prosper more than we could ever hope for. What children need are people that give a damn and not someone that are just doing things for a paycheck every month. You need to have a nurturing and reassuring presence about you for someone to confide and want to be around you.

I know the way I see thing are in a utopian society but a person can try to see the potential that some of the children have and not the wrong thing. Why are some people so focused on the things that went wrong? Well shit happens all the damn time. You can grow from them in some way…. You might not find out why until later on in your life.

I know that resources are hard to find BUT whose fault could that be? Is it truly the government? In a way, I guess that you could say that OR is it the people’s fault? We could play the blame game all damn day and get nowhere. Just stop blaming and find solutions and put them into effect, even it if is just your life and yours alone. Look at it from this perspective; If you change your train of thought from pessimistic to optimistic and someone, by the grace of God, happens to see that you have prospered and you have over came your hardships, in a sense, you just changed their way of viewing the world’s challenges. Your story will be carried close to their heart and be passed through for generations to come. You were the inspiration to them to be better and make life goals, whether you realized that or not.