Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The person that you are infatuated with is responsive to all requests that are made whether they are verbalized or not. They seem to be able to know what you want before you can even tell them in words. That is a sign that they are meant to be. An ability like that should not be taken lightly. You don’t see that often in relationships.

When you are with that special someone there seems to be enormous amounts of lust. You become aroused by just thinking about them, whether it be theirs looks or personality. You think about the luscious parts about their body that drives you wild. Then you think about all the extraordinary personality traits that keep you wanting more.

When you seem to consummate your love for one another is always sensitive and momentous. You finally are able to show each other how much devotion there is. There is grace, maturity, and passion that can’t compare to anyone else. A radiant glow seems to take over and gleams when the intense love making is over.

To some simple pleasures mean more than anything in this world. Spending endless hours planning and thinking how they are going to perform these acts of thoughtfulness. Then it all comes together so beautifully, and those smiles that were shared and moments of bliss will be memories that will be treasured and talked about forever.

Being in a covenant bond is not always easy. There are brief instances when the thought of that person just puts a frown on your face. But you reconcile the differences and are able to sanctify your relationship. Those are the moments that will test how strong that bond might be.

When you cuddle with the one that you love it seems like you could never let go or get enough of the touching. Every moment that you are in each others arms are cherished. There never seems to be enough moments in time to embrace each other.

When you kiss someone that you are smitten with it is suppose to have a warmth and gentleness about it. To where the smallest kiss makes you see the future with that person. A kiss can signify more than a hug or any words, if done with enough passion.

Laughing is something that is taken granite for. Those are moments of harmony because you understand each other and show vulnerability, toward each other. Laughs should not be taken with great ease. For some laughing is not some things comes as often as it should.

Smiles are sometimes hard to come by. when they come though, they are more precious than people think. What do you remember about people? Most people think of the magnificent smile that a shared. Smiles have the ability to brighten the day for anyone. Smiles should be held in high regard.

Holding hands with someone means more than just touch. It shows that you are caught up in that person, that you are with. It shows that there was a strong bond that was formed between the two. It shows that there is much love and enthusiasm that they are able to holds that person’s hand and no other. You would be the only one to touch that person in that magical manner.

Being in love is knowing that you have a deep connection with that person that can be indestructible. It is like getting your best friend and soul mate in one person. Those types of relationships don’t come along everyday. As, I heard once before, things of that nature come along once in a lifetime.

Being in love is nothing that can be portrayed lightly or vibrantly through language. You can get very close to what it is like but you have to experience it first hand in order to be able to get full representation. Feeling in love is like nothing in this reality. You can’t make sense of things that happen because it feels so out of character.

When you talk to the person that you are captivated with there is never enough time. You always long to have more time in a day just to hear your beloved’s voice. Yu want that person to be that last person that you talk to in that day, that way you will be able to dream about them.

The person that is the world to you gives you inspiration to follow dreams and your heart where ever that may lead you. Even if it means that you have to let go for awhile. If you desire t be together is strong enough then you will find your way back to into each other’s arms.

When you are with that special someone you don’t always have to be flamboyant. Sometimes playing it secretive can keep the excitement alive in that relationship.

Being in a bond means that you can’t be unbroken. You have the capacity to salvage the broken ties.