Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Hidden Beauty

Somewhere out there we know a place for rest and relaxation. It is known because one always seems to go there when she is highly stressed or just needs a breath of fresh air. This place of hers allows her to clear the mind and focus on other things like the sounds, sights, smells, and tastes of the national parks.

If the young woman goes during the warmer months of the year she can hear the mating calls of all different types of birds in the tree tops that canvass over. She can hear the little chirps of the baby birds calling to the mother. Those touring trees provide ample shade, so neither the lady’s fair skin burned nor her emerald eyes harmed because of the sun’s rays shining ever so brightly. One could hear the tree’s branches and leaves rustling in the wind and if one was quiet enough, one could even here the wrestling in the woods. The woman goes to see and it is a deer and her baby walking over the crunchy grass which has finally grown back. The tree branches swaying in the wind cause a noise that is ever so peaceful. The sounds from the wood offer serenity. Sounds are wonderful to hear because most people seem to hear unpleasant things so being able to listen to the nature is a invigorating experience but harmonious sounds are not the only attribute the wild has.

Being able to witness a mother laying on her spotted eggs to keep them warm or watching her fly around chaotically so she has food for her newborns is an encounter. One has to be there to see the dedication this one little bird has toward her young. It is an inspiring interaction. One sees the butterflies as well flying to the luxurious flowers. Their wings so bright and colorful they are permanently imprinted because of the attractiveness. Such beauty of the outdoors makes one believe it is a mirage, but when she gets a sweet smell of the flowers she knows that it is not.

Suddenly her attentions are drawn away from the birds onto the little children who have came to play on the swings, slides, and what-ever else the kids believe would be entertaining to play with. The young woman hears the laughing children and the occasional screams. She sees the children playing in the dirt and laying on the soft, green grass which makes one want to take her shoes off and let the red, velvety dirt squish between her toes. Being able to touch the dirt and grass with bare feet made one’s feet feel rejuvenated because her feet are always stuck in shoes. It is faint though because she is swinging on the rusty, blue swing she obviously out grew a long time ago but she swings anyways. Every time she moves her legs back-and-forth to make her go higher the swing squeaks. It is almost like a metronome and with every swing of the legs her hair blows softly, gracefully with the wind.

The woman was swinging and in the distance spotted a bridge and a lake. She knew she would have to check them out. The bridge goes over a creek that does not look to stable but decides to take a risk. While crossing the young lady stops closes her eyes and listens. She can hear the water trickling down over steep rock formations and hitting a pond that is not deeper than a few inches. One sees the creek keep flowing downward which eventually empties in to the pleasant lake causing ripples in the water. The ripples cause the fish to come to the surface because the fish think someone dropping food on the lake. Though the water is murky one still feels the peace and harmony it offers. While on the bridge one spots a tree; it is ever so familiar to her. It is nothing else but a honey suckle tree. The honey suckles can be eaten straight from the trees which allows one to have a sweet honey taste in the mouth. While eating those delicious honeys suckles she decides it would be a good time to check out the lake.

One makes her way over there to walk around the lake finding smooth rocks along the way that could be used to skip over the water. She finds herself no longer skipping the stones but throwing them pretty hard. She throws the rocks as hard as she can cause large ripples which disrupt the peaceful underwater world, but for some reason she finds herself feeling better after throwing a rock or two or three in the once tranquil water. It the water gives an appearance more peaceful then the reality of the world around her.

Darkness is coming because the lamps are dimly light. What only meant to be a few hours has turned into a whole day and yet you are okay with that. Time passed by so fast that it is now dark. One can see the luminous constellations in the sky because of the dazzling, full moon. Now one can see Orion’s belt and the Little Dipper; it means that it is getting too late. It is time to go back to the world.

One would have to leave the serene land that has created such a peaceful place for one to relax in. She does not want to leave this place but she knows that people are counting on her to come back. She knows this special place of hers that carries so many amazing features will be there another day and time.