Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Unforeseen Reality of Failure

There are some people who believe failure is the best learning tool rather than succeeding. Though failures are hard to cope there is reasoning behind them all. There is a cycle that can better help you understand why failure can be teacher. In order for people to fully grasp the situation where failure is an important learning tool; the cycle of how it works needs to be addressed first. Beginning with what failure means to the person, second is where you have self critiquing, third stage you tell yourself you will overcome, and last but not least you have success which make up the cycle of failure.

In the beginning you know you have failed the task which was given. Deciding what failure means to you is what you need to figure out. There are many reasons why you could of failed tasks. Many times you find failure came because you did not understand what the obligation needed. It might have just been you did not comprehend what the task was asking and therefore you could not perform the duties needed for the success. Not having the dedication to success could be another reason. The list for understanding why you failed can be never-ending. Going through failure shows sometimes that you were irresponsible with the tasks that were handed to you once before. Going back and trying to figure out what you could have done differently which puts you in the nest part of the cycle.

Since failure has been faced your mind starts to go through the following question; what you could have done differently to experience success? This is where self-pity would come because you knew that you should have been able to complete the task. You start going through your mind about all the things you should have done rather then ignored them. For a long period you are thinking bad about yourself then you start to think a bit more positive and then you decide you would like to try the task again. When you have failed something your self-confidence has either been shattered or been tremendously hurt, that feeling makes you want to succeed even more. Being able to say you were able to overcome the task at hand means you succeed.

Since your mindset had changed from negative to positive you have begun the third part of the cycle which is putting your mindset to success. The decision has been made that you want to beat this no matter what. You make a deal with yourself there is no quitting or giving up. There is only the feeling of success.Self-encouragement is essential. People want to show off when they do well and not bad; which allows a boost to your confidence because you know other people are proud of the achievement. A good example would be a test that was failed and you did not want anyone to know about; then you make a good grade on another test, which you show everyone.

Realizing all the lessons learned because of the failures make you see things a little different. There is the phrase “you will never make the same mistake twice,” that phrase with be stuck with you from now on. Determination to triumph over obstacles, which once obstructed your path to success, can be a lesson learned. No matter how long it takes you know that if you put your mind to it you will be able to handle it. Then you think to yourself you were able to stick to this one task then I should be able to stick to any duty. Balancing activities use to be hard for you but learned how to do it better because of the failure. Feeling good about yourself is something that many people deal with. In having failed something then being able to conquer boosts your confidence and in return people start to give you more respect. Of course there are some many things that can be learned from failure.

Some are unaware the lessons learned and how failure helped them become who there are today. There is always good and bad in every situation but you have to decide what approach you are willing to take. You have to be open minded to how failure can teach rather then how bad it makes you feel or see things. Being able to step back and analyze what happened to because of the failure then success you would be able to understand why it was such a good learning tool.