Sunday, September 27, 2009


A flower….. It can either blossom or never grow to the potential that it has. Is that not what how the world works? You water the plant, love the plant, and some swear that you should talk to the plant. What happens if the world loved, talked and nurtured, not watered, their children? Would our society be any different? Would we have less crime/violence?

If given the right circumstances children can prosper more than we could ever hope for. What children need are people that give a damn and not someone that are just doing things for a paycheck every month. You need to have a nurturing and reassuring presence about you for someone to confide and want to be around you.

I know the way I see thing are in a utopian society but a person can try to see the potential that some of the children have and not the wrong thing. Why are some people so focused on the things that went wrong? Well shit happens all the damn time. You can grow from them in some way…. You might not find out why until later on in your life.

I know that resources are hard to find BUT whose fault could that be? Is it truly the government? In a way, I guess that you could say that OR is it the people’s fault? We could play the blame game all damn day and get nowhere. Just stop blaming and find solutions and put them into effect, even it if is just your life and yours alone. Look at it from this perspective; If you change your train of thought from pessimistic to optimistic and someone, by the grace of God, happens to see that you have prospered and you have over came your hardships, in a sense, you just changed their way of viewing the world’s challenges. Your story will be carried close to their heart and be passed through for generations to come. You were the inspiration to them to be better and make life goals, whether you realized that or not.


Who to you are “the forgotten” ones of today's society? Once people go down the wrong path, people consider them damaged beyond repair right? Do we toss them to the junkyard like we do with our cars that are damaged beyond repair supposedly?

BUT is there not someone that always seems to find their way back to that “damaged car” and see the potential that it might have even if it is in just one part of that car. Then why is so hard for us to do that in the society that we have today? What is holding us back from being able to do that?

All I can see that some of these people need and want are just someone that shows that they care and genuinely want to help them. .

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sky pictures

Something about the clouds and the sun is just beautiful. The clouds were taken in Suwanee, Georgia and the sun ones were taken in Covington, Georgia.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Being with someone is overlooking their faults and past tribulations. It means looking at what they are offering at these very instances.

Love means spending endless eventful moments getting to know the core character of a person.

Being one with a person is having the ability to catch the energy and loving nature and somehow putting it into your lifestyle.

Taking time out of a busy day just to call and say that you love them and miss them. Telling them how much you mean they truly mean in that person’s life and the impact that they’ve had since those first smiles and laughs as well as moments of overwhelming joy. You also tell how you look forward to many more like those.

No compliment is taken lightly. Those words of extreme happiness come back to you through out the day and manage to bring smiles and maybe even a chuckle depending.

The thought of not being with that person is intolerable. The thought of not being with them is not even a thought anymore. You then wonder how you were ever able to love without that person in the first place. Ironic how that works.

Lake and Mountains

These were taken in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. I biked a trail along the mountains and just thought that it was beautiful!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Creative Love 2

Here is another sort of thing that you can do. Stencils and random things from everywhere can be used to make things like this.

Creative Love 1

Just really like these and thought that I would share.I think that sometimes the best way to show that you love someone is just to make them something from the heart!

Love Letter

My body yearns for your touch each and every day. My eyes see nothing pleasurable until they land upon you. My heart feels no happiness until it knows that you are here with me. My lips do not taste anything sweet until they touch against yours.My heart aches and you are the only relief.

I want to experience your moments of weakness and be there to help you get your spirits back up. I want to be there when you are at the happiest times so I can be happy with you. When you feel pain or sorrow I want to feel that pain and sorrow, too that way you will never have to go through that pain or sorrow alone. I know that it might sound a little crazy but it is what I desire.

What does (blank) mean to me?

he is the world that I revolve around.
he is the air that I can not live without.
he is the water I drink to replenish myself.
he is every memory that passes through me mind.
he is every moment of my past, present, and future.
he is every shared laugh that I laugh.
he is the cause of every smile that I can smile.
he is at the end of very touch that I touch.
he is that sweet aroma of cologne that touches my nose.
he is the sweet, pleasurable voice to my ears.
he is the beauty that captives.
he is the guiding light to my future.
he is that man that mesmerized my heart

Random Love Poetry

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.

Love does not demand its own way.

Love is not irritable and it keeps no records of whenever it has been wronged.

Love each other unconditionally but what you say and do.

Live together in harmony and love as though you have only one mind and spirit between you.

The Five Love Languages:
a. words of affirmation
b. quality time
c. receiving gifts
d. acts of service
e. physical touch

Distance between two hearts if not an obstacle rather a great reminder of how strong love can be.

Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, the you must forget the rules and play by your heart.

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was yours. If it doesn't, it never was yours.

* random quotes I have come across*


The person that you are infatuated with is responsive to all requests that are made whether they are verbalized or not. They seem to be able to know what you want before you can even tell them in words. That is a sign that they are meant to be. An ability like that should not be taken lightly. You don’t see that often in relationships.

When you are with that special someone there seems to be enormous amounts of lust. You become aroused by just thinking about them, whether it be theirs looks or personality. You think about the luscious parts about their body that drives you wild. Then you think about all the extraordinary personality traits that keep you wanting more.

When you seem to consummate your love for one another is always sensitive and momentous. You finally are able to show each other how much devotion there is. There is grace, maturity, and passion that can’t compare to anyone else. A radiant glow seems to take over and gleams when the intense love making is over.

To some simple pleasures mean more than anything in this world. Spending endless hours planning and thinking how they are going to perform these acts of thoughtfulness. Then it all comes together so beautifully, and those smiles that were shared and moments of bliss will be memories that will be treasured and talked about forever.

Being in a covenant bond is not always easy. There are brief instances when the thought of that person just puts a frown on your face. But you reconcile the differences and are able to sanctify your relationship. Those are the moments that will test how strong that bond might be.

When you cuddle with the one that you love it seems like you could never let go or get enough of the touching. Every moment that you are in each others arms are cherished. There never seems to be enough moments in time to embrace each other.

When you kiss someone that you are smitten with it is suppose to have a warmth and gentleness about it. To where the smallest kiss makes you see the future with that person. A kiss can signify more than a hug or any words, if done with enough passion.

Laughing is something that is taken granite for. Those are moments of harmony because you understand each other and show vulnerability, toward each other. Laughs should not be taken with great ease. For some laughing is not some things comes as often as it should.

Smiles are sometimes hard to come by. when they come though, they are more precious than people think. What do you remember about people? Most people think of the magnificent smile that a shared. Smiles have the ability to brighten the day for anyone. Smiles should be held in high regard.

Holding hands with someone means more than just touch. It shows that you are caught up in that person, that you are with. It shows that there was a strong bond that was formed between the two. It shows that there is much love and enthusiasm that they are able to holds that person’s hand and no other. You would be the only one to touch that person in that magical manner.

Being in love is knowing that you have a deep connection with that person that can be indestructible. It is like getting your best friend and soul mate in one person. Those types of relationships don’t come along everyday. As, I heard once before, things of that nature come along once in a lifetime.

Being in love is nothing that can be portrayed lightly or vibrantly through language. You can get very close to what it is like but you have to experience it first hand in order to be able to get full representation. Feeling in love is like nothing in this reality. You can’t make sense of things that happen because it feels so out of character.

When you talk to the person that you are captivated with there is never enough time. You always long to have more time in a day just to hear your beloved’s voice. Yu want that person to be that last person that you talk to in that day, that way you will be able to dream about them.

The person that is the world to you gives you inspiration to follow dreams and your heart where ever that may lead you. Even if it means that you have to let go for awhile. If you desire t be together is strong enough then you will find your way back to into each other’s arms.

When you are with that special someone you don’t always have to be flamboyant. Sometimes playing it secretive can keep the excitement alive in that relationship.

Being in a bond means that you can’t be unbroken. You have the capacity to salvage the broken ties.

You know when you are in love when...

you seem to sit or look at the phone hoping that you see that they called you.

you always have a smile on your face when their name is mentioned or you see them.

you have butterflies every time you meet or think about a time that you will meet.

you start thinking about what the future might hold for you both.

no one else gets your attention quite like that person does and there is no desire for anyone but them.

you are ready to bring that person home to meet your parents and family.

you see no faults in that person and they seem perfect in every way.

when a song comes on the radio and the first thought is that person.

you miss all the little things about that person when they are not around.

your first thoughts of the day are of them and that lats thoughts of that day are them.

you want to see that person even if it means just a few minutes that day.

when you find yourself doing things that you never thought that you would be doing just to make them happy.

you fight and are alt o move on and are able to strengthen and learn from them

Love is...

when you see beauty when the person doesn't see it in themselves.

when you are there for then worst and the best of times.

when you love them unconditionally.

not being demanding.

forgiving even when it seems to be unforgivable situations.

is understandable even it if seems like you cant understand.

being kind when it feels like you loathe that person.

patient especially when you feel like you have no more left.

trustworthy even when your heart tells you not to be.

tears of joyous and sometimes not so joyous occasions.

the character of the person rather than the character of the outside.

about romance to keel the love anew.

struggling so you can come out on top together and stronger than before.

about lust so you can keep the intimacy thriving.

laughing so there is never a dull moment.

communicating so there is truly never anything to argue over.

loving yourself because if you cant love yourself than you truly cannot love another.

being strong even if it seems like you are about to fall apart.

being rational so you will be able to agree to disagree to avoid fights.

being motivational so you can celebrate achievements together.

sensitive so you can strengthen the bond with you and your lover.

being vulnerable to allow it all to come to you.

honesty that way there will be any doubt.

October Quotes

Open your heart and your mind will certainly open; and an opened mind will surely bring peace for your heart.
Ed Sherwood, Jr.

Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.
Albert Schweitzer

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I never cease to being dumbfounded by the unbelievable things people believe.
Leo Rosten

Generally the theories we believe we call facts and the facts we disbelieve we call theories.
Felix Cohen

People only think a thing's worth believing in it it's hard to believe.
Armiger Barclay

Man is what he believes.
Anton Chekhov

The purpose of higher education is to make men aware of what was and what is; to incite them to probe into what may be. It seeks to teach them to understand, to evaluate, to communicate.
Otto Kleppner

Communication is something so simple and difficult that we can never put it in simple words.
T.S Matthews

The most immutable barrier in nature is between one man's thoughts and another's.
William James

Ignorance is the primary source of all miser and vice...
If ignorance is bliss, there should be more happy people.
Victor Cousin

In today already walks tomorrow.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The secret to education is respecting the pupil.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising others.
Will and Ariel Durant

Ladies to this advice take heed---
In controlling men
If at first you don't succeed
Why cry, cry again

The teacher-organizer should know not only his own science but also be well versed in the details of the development of the child's or adolescent's mind.
jean Piaget

The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge...the good like starts only when you stop wanting a better one.
Bertrand Russell

The hopeful man see success where others see failure, sunshine where others see shadows and storms.
O.S. Marden

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
Vince Lombardi

No matter where you go, you can never run away from your self


I just think these pictures are just beautiful!


you were gone so fast cause someone took away your chance
now we are here left to pick up the pieces of our broken hearts
wondering if our hearts will ever seem to mend
not a day goes by when we don't smile with memories
and not a day goes by when we don't cry out for you to be here
why you were taken at such a young age is baffling
if only we were able to have answers to our questions
to only be able to see your face and smile in my imagination fills me with sorrow
When i have a family how will they know what joy you bring
It does not seem fair that you were taken away while others were able to live
If only they could have seen all that you were able to give
It is frightening to know that you will not always be around.
Some days it is hard to move on because I know that you will not just be a phone call away.
You are my guardian angel i know but I am selfish and wish that you were here.
I feel most sad when I know that you were alone
and how awful that must have been.
How much I would give anything to have done something different
Words cannot convey the guilt that is felt.

*random streaming*

Monday, September 21, 2009


This is for you little brother...Love you and miss you everyday!

It's hard to say and therefore I will not say
that you are are just away.,
You wonder in an unknown land
and left me thinking how it must be grand
and though I may not be where you are.
You will always been in my heart.
One day I hope to wander very far
to find where you are
and to be side by side once again
like it always should have been.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Hidden Beauty

Somewhere out there we know a place for rest and relaxation. It is known because one always seems to go there when she is highly stressed or just needs a breath of fresh air. This place of hers allows her to clear the mind and focus on other things like the sounds, sights, smells, and tastes of the national parks.

If the young woman goes during the warmer months of the year she can hear the mating calls of all different types of birds in the tree tops that canvass over. She can hear the little chirps of the baby birds calling to the mother. Those touring trees provide ample shade, so neither the lady’s fair skin burned nor her emerald eyes harmed because of the sun’s rays shining ever so brightly. One could hear the tree’s branches and leaves rustling in the wind and if one was quiet enough, one could even here the wrestling in the woods. The woman goes to see and it is a deer and her baby walking over the crunchy grass which has finally grown back. The tree branches swaying in the wind cause a noise that is ever so peaceful. The sounds from the wood offer serenity. Sounds are wonderful to hear because most people seem to hear unpleasant things so being able to listen to the nature is a invigorating experience but harmonious sounds are not the only attribute the wild has.

Being able to witness a mother laying on her spotted eggs to keep them warm or watching her fly around chaotically so she has food for her newborns is an encounter. One has to be there to see the dedication this one little bird has toward her young. It is an inspiring interaction. One sees the butterflies as well flying to the luxurious flowers. Their wings so bright and colorful they are permanently imprinted because of the attractiveness. Such beauty of the outdoors makes one believe it is a mirage, but when she gets a sweet smell of the flowers she knows that it is not.

Suddenly her attentions are drawn away from the birds onto the little children who have came to play on the swings, slides, and what-ever else the kids believe would be entertaining to play with. The young woman hears the laughing children and the occasional screams. She sees the children playing in the dirt and laying on the soft, green grass which makes one want to take her shoes off and let the red, velvety dirt squish between her toes. Being able to touch the dirt and grass with bare feet made one’s feet feel rejuvenated because her feet are always stuck in shoes. It is faint though because she is swinging on the rusty, blue swing she obviously out grew a long time ago but she swings anyways. Every time she moves her legs back-and-forth to make her go higher the swing squeaks. It is almost like a metronome and with every swing of the legs her hair blows softly, gracefully with the wind.

The woman was swinging and in the distance spotted a bridge and a lake. She knew she would have to check them out. The bridge goes over a creek that does not look to stable but decides to take a risk. While crossing the young lady stops closes her eyes and listens. She can hear the water trickling down over steep rock formations and hitting a pond that is not deeper than a few inches. One sees the creek keep flowing downward which eventually empties in to the pleasant lake causing ripples in the water. The ripples cause the fish to come to the surface because the fish think someone dropping food on the lake. Though the water is murky one still feels the peace and harmony it offers. While on the bridge one spots a tree; it is ever so familiar to her. It is nothing else but a honey suckle tree. The honey suckles can be eaten straight from the trees which allows one to have a sweet honey taste in the mouth. While eating those delicious honeys suckles she decides it would be a good time to check out the lake.

One makes her way over there to walk around the lake finding smooth rocks along the way that could be used to skip over the water. She finds herself no longer skipping the stones but throwing them pretty hard. She throws the rocks as hard as she can cause large ripples which disrupt the peaceful underwater world, but for some reason she finds herself feeling better after throwing a rock or two or three in the once tranquil water. It the water gives an appearance more peaceful then the reality of the world around her.

Darkness is coming because the lamps are dimly light. What only meant to be a few hours has turned into a whole day and yet you are okay with that. Time passed by so fast that it is now dark. One can see the luminous constellations in the sky because of the dazzling, full moon. Now one can see Orion’s belt and the Little Dipper; it means that it is getting too late. It is time to go back to the world.

One would have to leave the serene land that has created such a peaceful place for one to relax in. She does not want to leave this place but she knows that people are counting on her to come back. She knows this special place of hers that carries so many amazing features will be there another day and time.

The Unforeseen Reality of Failure

There are some people who believe failure is the best learning tool rather than succeeding. Though failures are hard to cope there is reasoning behind them all. There is a cycle that can better help you understand why failure can be teacher. In order for people to fully grasp the situation where failure is an important learning tool; the cycle of how it works needs to be addressed first. Beginning with what failure means to the person, second is where you have self critiquing, third stage you tell yourself you will overcome, and last but not least you have success which make up the cycle of failure.

In the beginning you know you have failed the task which was given. Deciding what failure means to you is what you need to figure out. There are many reasons why you could of failed tasks. Many times you find failure came because you did not understand what the obligation needed. It might have just been you did not comprehend what the task was asking and therefore you could not perform the duties needed for the success. Not having the dedication to success could be another reason. The list for understanding why you failed can be never-ending. Going through failure shows sometimes that you were irresponsible with the tasks that were handed to you once before. Going back and trying to figure out what you could have done differently which puts you in the nest part of the cycle.

Since failure has been faced your mind starts to go through the following question; what you could have done differently to experience success? This is where self-pity would come because you knew that you should have been able to complete the task. You start going through your mind about all the things you should have done rather then ignored them. For a long period you are thinking bad about yourself then you start to think a bit more positive and then you decide you would like to try the task again. When you have failed something your self-confidence has either been shattered or been tremendously hurt, that feeling makes you want to succeed even more. Being able to say you were able to overcome the task at hand means you succeed.

Since your mindset had changed from negative to positive you have begun the third part of the cycle which is putting your mindset to success. The decision has been made that you want to beat this no matter what. You make a deal with yourself there is no quitting or giving up. There is only the feeling of success.Self-encouragement is essential. People want to show off when they do well and not bad; which allows a boost to your confidence because you know other people are proud of the achievement. A good example would be a test that was failed and you did not want anyone to know about; then you make a good grade on another test, which you show everyone.

Realizing all the lessons learned because of the failures make you see things a little different. There is the phrase “you will never make the same mistake twice,” that phrase with be stuck with you from now on. Determination to triumph over obstacles, which once obstructed your path to success, can be a lesson learned. No matter how long it takes you know that if you put your mind to it you will be able to handle it. Then you think to yourself you were able to stick to this one task then I should be able to stick to any duty. Balancing activities use to be hard for you but learned how to do it better because of the failure. Feeling good about yourself is something that many people deal with. In having failed something then being able to conquer boosts your confidence and in return people start to give you more respect. Of course there are some many things that can be learned from failure.

Some are unaware the lessons learned and how failure helped them become who there are today. There is always good and bad in every situation but you have to decide what approach you are willing to take. You have to be open minded to how failure can teach rather then how bad it makes you feel or see things. Being able to step back and analyze what happened to because of the failure then success you would be able to understand why it was such a good learning tool.

Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest, if you must...but don't quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns
As everyone of us sometimes learns
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out
Don't give up though paces seem slow
You might succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victors cup
and he learned to later, when the night slipped down.

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tine of the clouds of doubt
Ans you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems far
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst when you mustn't QUIT.

*can't remember where it came from but it has always stuck with me*

Friday, September 18, 2009

A bed for the Night

I hear that in New York
At the corner of 26th street and Broadway
A man stands every evening during the winter months
And gets beds for the homeless there
By appealing to passers-by.

It wont change the world
It wont improve relations among men
It will not shorten the age of exploration
But a few men have a bed for the night
For a night the wind i kept from them
The snow meant for them falls on the roadway.

Don't put down the book on reading this, man.

A few people have a bed for the night
For the nigh the wind is kept from them
The snow is meant for them falls on the roadway
But it won't change the world
It wont improve relations among men
It will not shorten the age of exploration.

Bertolt Brecht

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Park with a nice lake view

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.
Anne Frank

*were taken in Wausau, Wisconsin*

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Peaceful Nature

I took this picture in Wausau,Wisconsin. I just loved the way the algae covered the river, how the trees just were broken,falling, and how the sticks were just floating. Something about this picture just felt so beautiful, chaotic, and peaceful all at the same moment.

Monday, September 14, 2009

September Quotes

"The people that you meet are all here to teach you something...Your job is to try to determine what the people in your life are trying to teach you."
Richard Carlson

"Don't let what you cant do interfere with what you can do."

"When one door of happiness close another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the on that has been opened for us"
Helen Keller

"That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well"
Abraham Lincoln

"We could accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible"
C. Malsherbes

"They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel"

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"
Chinese Proverb

"There is a great distance between 'said' and 'done'"
PR Proverb

" Your past does not have to equal your future"

" Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe in what you can achieve."
Mary Kay Ash

" They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you make them feel"

"He that will not reflect is a ruined man"
Asian Proverb

"Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul."

"Happiness depends upon ourselves."

"He that cannot forgive others break the bridge over which he mush pass himself for every man has need to be forgiven."
Thomas Fuller

"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it."

"Without forgiveness liked is governed endless cycle of resentment and retaliation."
Roberto Assagidi

"Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strengths."
Henry Ward Beecher

"To love is to admire with the heart, to admire is to love with the mind."
Theophile Gautier