Sunday, November 29, 2009


A butterfly…. One of God’s most beautiful creatures but you touch them the wrong way and you can harm them, even kill them. Reminds you of some of the people and the growing youth these days correct? We as the public, young, old and middle aged are all God’s beautiful creatures, BUT when we are touched by violence, no matter what shape or form. A piece of our soul dies or is harmed beyond repair.

How then are we to fix this problem? Honestly, there are enormous amounts of ways and we as the public have already tried. But when only a small number of people give a damn, then how are we to change the country or even a state for that matter?

As the generations keep coming what do they have to face? More violence. Soon the pollution in the air will be so toxic that the butterflies will either have to adapt or perish. Is that not how the next generations are going to live? Butterflies have to adapt. What is meant by adapting is as follows: becoming part of the toxins, trying to avoid, or not thinking that anything is wrong because it has became a norm in the society. Let me put this thought into your mind then…. How is that anyway to live? I know that it is easier to voice an opinion then to take action but doesn’t ever action have a voice first? Let me then put something out to you like this: When you have more than one voice can’t bigger actions take place?